Saturday, May 5, 2007

Jazz-band wannabes

I am so glad that school is over and that I can relax. even for just a day. I have an exam again on Monday, but I will be prepared. I refuse to stay up all night again. I'm still catching up on sleep.

There is a big improvement in the weather outside. I actually left my house and went shopping at Sak's. probably defeats the purpose of getting out, but I did buy nice jeans for a discount. But it depends on what you call a discount.

I am going to make an effort to study, but it is 2 pm already and I just woke up. Booooo I love Saturdays because I don't really have to do anything. I probably will do something though.

Why do I hear trombones and fucking saxophones? OH. Because there's a little jazz-band wannabe group playing on their deck next door. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?