Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Things I will NEVER enjoy

I cannot believe how much time I just spent trying to sign into my blog account. Trying is the key word here, taking in mind that with all of these password hackers out there, websites demand complicated passwords. I don't have the mental capacity to memorize numbers and letters, capital and not, in random order. Google gmail actually tells you the strength of the password you're creating. It's a novel invention, but all things aside, I don't want to spend my time trying to remember the right complex password for the particular email, blog, myspace, or facebook profile I'm using. Can't we have one interface with all our communication needs?

I hate bad weather. Mostly I hate it when I don't have the choice to not participate in it. Funny how I've always attended schools in places where people don't believe there is a day where people just plain can't function outside. Nope, Boston University barrelled along today, continuing to take pride in its "no-close" policy. Terrorism aside, let's throw some "bombs" around the city that are actually Lite-Brites and I'm sure they'll have a fit. Problems with priorities here. They cancelled school only when they realized that the students were partially swimming to class down the sidewalks. I absolutely hate wet feet.

I hate waiting so much and I hate Wednesdays because all I do is wait around for another class to start and end. then I wait around some more. blah blah blah, it's such a waste of my time to sit in the GSU every day smelling all that terrible food listening to people gawk at each other while I read a book I wouldn't otherwise be reading. I hate waiting mostly when it's for the bus, and people come up behind me and stand there as if I'm waiting to cross the street. I'm not, and in fact, the light is red. So you should take the initiative yourself to cross the street instead of expecting me to guide you. Same thing with classrooms. No one can be the brave one who walks in first. I always get the best seat ;)

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